Sunday, October 26, 2008

Anti- Smoking Ad

I find this commercial interesting and hard to believe because it shows you just how many deaths there are from tobacco smoking in just one day. When you are given a number you might not be able to picture it in your head and have it sink in as deep as if you were to see it for yourself. I can't believe 1200 people are dying because of this product every day, and they have the choice of using it or not.


Rongke said...

I agree with you, eveyone has their own choice. Although smoking is not good for us, it's not very serious like the ad which you post.

Matt Costanzo said...

I think all the truth ads really send a message to not only smokers but non smokers as well. After seeing these ads and the effects tobacco has on your body its unbelievable why people still smoke.

jacqueline said...

I think this anti smoking ad want to show us that the risks of smoking. From the side of economics, the prohibition of cigarettes advertising on tv are all policies aimed at reducing the quantity of cigarettes demanded at any given price. If successful,the demand of tobacco will decrease which means people of smoking will decrease. Then there will be less than 1200 people were killed by tobacco every day. I like this ad~

naveen naqvi said...

I think this add is really clever and I hope it has an impact on some smokers. I agree that it is more effective because instead of just hearing numbers and stats, we actually see the people who are affected. I agree with Matt also, I think the Truth ads are typically pretty good and come up with clever but kinda of scary ways of showing people the effects of smoking.