Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Above the Influence ad (anti-drug)

This is basically a commercial that shows a dog talking to her girl owner about her pot use and how she needs to stop because it changes the way she is and acts. This is a very touching ad because the dog is considered someone close to her since they live in the same house are around eachother daily. After the dog tells her what he is feeling she begins to realize that maybe it does change how she acts and she should stop using the substance. This commercial can get through to a lot of people because many people may have friends that use drugs and when you dont say anything it actually hurts the both of you but when you tell them it gives them things to think about and can influence them to change and quit the habit.


Stefania Silva said...

This kind of commercial addresses a young generation that smoking pot is wrong. I think that these "above the influence" commrcials are important and they should continue showing them since many young adults smoke pot and think that it is okay. One thing I disagree with is why do they have to show a dog talking. THey should be more realistic. :)

Ting said...
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Ting said...

cute dogs, yeah, drug might changing one's act, so people who are drug really need to stop, when you are drug, you might hurting your friends or familt, because your acts changes, you might become very bad, hit people, etc... and your friends and family might gets worried about you!